Wonderment, amazement and astonishment! — That’s a magician’s stock in trade. But there exists an additional element, a secret ingredient that makes a magical performance truly compelling, memorable and even potentially transformative. And that ingredient has long been neglected by 99% of professional magicians. The most engaging magic — from the simplest card trick to the grandest illusion — is driven by an enthralling story, or narrative. After all, magic is essentially a form of drama.
When it comes to creating and performing magical stories, Dillini, aka Dr. Mark Dillof, has few rivals. Each of his magical effects is a captivating tale of mystery and imagination. Furthermore, many of his tricks resonate with deeper meanings — mythic, philosophical and mystic. Finally, humor infuses his magical effects. Whether you see Dillini perform close-up sleight of hand or platform and stage magic, it will continue to enchant your imagination with dreams and reveries, long after his performance ends.